Marathon to the moon

During lockdown in early 2021, I was tasked with designing supporting material for a PureGym, company-wide, virtual relay challenge to reach the moon. Delivered via Facebook Workplace and via email, this supporting content was provided to staff weekly, to keep them motivated in this challenging period. A select few, including myself, worked throughout this period to support this, while most staff were on furlough and all gyms remained closed.

At a time when everything felt pretty bleak, this project was a great departure from the norm. My main goal, brighten an other wise dark time and make it engaging.

Each week provided a new challenge, a new topic in need of a lighthearted illustration to accompany supporting material.

The relay saw staff recording their step activity via the Count.It app. My job, give this data a visual meaning to the mission. Each week saw milestones reached and a collective report given on progress to the moon.

Milestones and tracking were integrated into the identity at an early stage so progress could be highlighted by a change in colour.

The support

“It's not the destination, it's the journey”

The collective mission of this project was to support staff with as much information as possible to help them through a difficult time.

This was delivered via email and a Facebook Workplace knowledge library.

With all the supporting elements in place to track progress, time for some fun

The PureGym astronaut would illustrate each theme as the next week of content was announced. Working closely with the content coordinator, these needed to be rapidly conceptualised and brought to life.

An honourable mention to the supporting content…


GW Copywriting


Over 50's Champs