Eyup! Welcome to my creative home

Let’s give design the human touch and leave smiles on faces. Keep the world a bright and fun place to be. Here’s a peek at my contribution…

I’ve spent my working life soaking up experiences and never really hit pause on learning about myself or design. Change is always happening, and we're constantly finding ways to move with it. In this rapidly developing world, understanding how creativity keeps evolving is becoming more and more important.

“Welcome to University…. this is a history degree”

John Hamlin, my 1st year Senior Lecturer in Media Technology, University of Lincoln

My process

The adventure begins with a brief encounter. This discovery session is a chance to set the tone for everything to come. This allows chance for me to get to know you and initial ideas for the project. This session includes review and conversations around a few items that should be provided beforehand:

Mood board - visual presentation of images of inspiration for the project. This could be other brands, colour schemes, layouts, animations and visual styles. Pinterest board is the easiest way to build this out.

The Design Brief - document detailing the parameters of the project and can include information regarding the company, such as, name, description of the business, company values, target markets and any other information about the entire company. This helps build out what is already in place for the brand.

The more information we have, the more ideas we can play with. This could materialise as word mapping from key information to create ideas, or early ideas sketched out from our chat.

The sketch book is the first place I start. Rough ideas and any initial brain farts can be ideated on and provide our project direction.

They’re never perfect drawings at this stage but if you squint….you get the idea

Rapid prototyping and planning the next move…

This stage is all about idea generation, changing words and thoughts into loose concepts. This helps to identify viable routes before overcomplicating a concept at an early stage. It can be hard to make decisions but having early visuals helps set the tone for the rest of the project and give us a clear direction.

It’s design time!

The big stuff, design time scheduled and proposed route/s worked up for approval and rollout.

This can be anything from a logo, brand identity, pattern library, print and digital collateral, you name it.
Time to get the party started

Check out the example case study: